Punarjani Charitable Trust for De-addiction & Rehabilitation Kerala

Punarjani Charitable Trust for De-addiction & Rehabilitation Kerala

Punarjani De-addiction & Rehabilitation Center is situated in Thrissur, Kerala and is a charitable trust. This rehab center trust is registered under the Indian Trusts Act 1882 (Act II of 1982) and its Registered Office is situated now at Killanoor Village, Poomala P O, Thrissur in Kerala.

Dr. Johns K Mangalam, is the Managing Trustee of the “Punarjani Charitable Trust for De-addiction and Rehabilitation” center. The main aim of Punarjani Charitable Trust is to form and run organization which will help people suffering from addiction and will provide de-addiction treatment.


Punarjani Charitable Trust for De-addiction & Rehabilitation Kerala
Image Credit: Punarjani.org

Other objectives include child and family welfare and their education, residential institutions for students, workers, mentally retarded, physically handicapped and old age persons. It helps addicts to get rid of alcohol and drugs and other toxic substances and guide them to live a sober life.

The treatment includes medical treatment, preferably Ayurvedic treatment, through detoxification with the assistance of advanced techniques and methods of Counseling, and through motivation and personal help.

There are many good qualities, facility and treatment methods that make Punarjani Charitable Trust very unique from other substance abuse treatment centers.


Recommended Reading: 21 Reasons People Fail to Overcome Drug Addiction


Addicts usually oppose experiencing any kind of treatment because of two reasons: the formally acknowledged system for treatment which limits the aggregate opportunity of an Alcoholic by detaining him in a De-Addiction place for a drawn out stretch of time, and the application overwhelming dosages of Medicine that are not satisfactory to them.

The notable elements and components, which separate the methodology of Punarjani, is the aggregate flexibility of the patient and the non-utilization of any kind of Medicine for the recuperation the patient from his sickness.

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Facilities/Treatments: Alcoholism Treatment, Ayurvedic treatment, Detoxification, Drug Addiction Treatment, Substance Abuse counselling, Psychiatric treatment, Yoga facility, Meditation, Residential Rehabilitation, etc.


Punarjani Charitable Trust for De-addiction & Rehabilitation Kerala Contact Details


Charitable Trust for De-addiction & Rehabilitation
Reg. No. 217/2004 Poomala P.O,
Thrissur, Kerala Pin : 680 581

Mobile/Phone Number: 0487-2208304, 9747201015, 9744830474, 8281478832


Website: www.punarjani.org


Email: punarjanipoomala@yahoo.com, punarjanipoomala@gmail.com